Johannes Walcher

As a Mathematical Physicist, I am interested in understanding both how the world works, and what this means in abstract terms. I am currently Professor at Heidelberg University, work at the Institute for Mathematics, teach at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, and also supervise students from the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Office: Room 5/204 Mathematikon, Im Neuenheimer Feld 205, 69221 Heidelberg
Phone: +49-6221-5414070
Current Teaching
In the Winter Semester 2024/25 I am teaching the beginner level class Höhere Mathematik 1
for physics students. Ondra Hulik, Valdo Tatischeff and I are offering an advanced course on Symmetries in classical and quantum field theory
. The Rhind Seminar continues as before.
Organized here and elsewhere
Theses supervised
Biographical Sketch
- Studies of Physics in Munich, Urbana-Champaign, and Zürich
- Diploma in Physics from ETH Zürich (1998)
- PhD in Physics from ETH Zürich (2001), research partly at CERN
- Postdoctoral Fellow at KITP Santa Barbara and IAS Princeton (2001-2007)
- Junior Faculty at ETH Zürich, CERN, and McGill University (2008-2014)
- Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics at McGill University (2014)
- Professor of Mathematical Physics at Heidelberg University since 2015