Steffen Schmidt

I am a doctoral candidate in the mathematical physics group AG Walcher of Heidelberg University under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Johannes Walcher and Prof. Dr. Rainer Weissauer. My main research interest is the study of representations of reductive Lie groups and algebras and their generalization to Lie supergroups and Lie superalgebras with a view towards applications in field theories and string theory.
Research interests
- Unitarity for Lie supergroups and Lie superalgebras; construction and classification.
- Dirac cohomology for Lie superalgebras.
- Infinite-dimensional representations of Lie supergroups, in particular tensor product decompositions, the Duflo-Serganova cohomology functor.
- Applications of representation theory in theoretical physics: Index theorems such as the Witten index or the Superconformal index.
- Factorization algebras in quantum field theories and their connection to unitary representations.
Preprints and Publications
Last update on Nov 15, 2024 at 08:22 UTC