Geometry and Group Theory

Research Topics

Groups are sets of symmetries of geometric objects.

Based on this philosophy, we examine the interplay between groups and the associated geometries and geometric objects. We investigate the question of how much group theory is encoded in geometry and, conversely, which aspects of the geometric objects are already clearly determined by the group effects on them.

The focus of our research is the application of geometric and combinatorial methods in algebraic contexts. We are interested in the following topics:

  • geometric group theory
  • especially non-positively curved spaces and groups
  • algebraic combinatorics
  • theory of Coxeter groups and (generalized / Bruhat-Tits) buildings
  • geometric and combinatorial methods in representation theory
  • infinite translation surfaces
  • moduli spaces of geomeric structures
  • low-dimensional topology

For more information, see the websites of the individual group members.

Last update on Jul 26, 2024 at 21:52 UTC
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