Geometry and Group Theory

Groups are sets of symmetries of geometric objects.

Based on this philosophy, we examine the interplay between groups and the associated geometries and geometric objects. We investigate the question of how much group theory is encoded in geometry and, conversely, which aspects of the geometric objects are already clearly determined by the group effects on them.

For more information on what we do, see the research pages and websites of the individual group members.

Prof. Dr. Petra Schwer is leading this group. Dr. Anja Randecker is a junior group leader within the Research Station Geometry and Dynamics and forms, together with Erick Gordillo, a proper subgroup of us.

Procope Mini Workshop

on 25th of February 2025.

We are part of the following networks and Organizations:

Research group

Petra SchwerProfessorMathematikon, Room 3/401
schwer - at - 
Anja RandeckerJuninor group leader
Raphael AppenzellerPostDocMathematikon 3 / 328 rappenzeller -at- 
Isobel DaviesPhD studentisobel.davies[at] 
Erick GordilloPhD student
Marco LotzPostDocmlotz(at) 
Bianca MarchionnaPostDocE-mail: bmarchionna[at]mathi.uni-heidelberg[dot]de 
José Pedro QuintanilhaPostDocjquintanilha (at) mathi (dot) uni-heidelberg (dot) de Office: 3 / 407 
Anna ReimannPhD studentG02- 221a Universitätsplatz 2, 39106 Magdeburg anna1.reimann -at- 
Evelyne BachmannAssistantMathematikon, Room 03.412
Tel: +49-6221-54-14237
Last update on Feb 7, 2025 at 09:09 UTC
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