Practical Information
Welcome to Heidelberg! The workshop, sponsored by MATCH, PIMS, and STRUCTURES, and organized in collaboration with the Algebraic Geometry group at University of Alberta, is hosted by the Mathematical Physics group in the Institute for Mathematics at Heidelberg University. We strive to make your stay a pleasant one, and here offer some practical information to help you get around.
All talks will be held in the 5th floor Conference Room (5/104) in the Southern wing of the MATHEMATIKON.
Morning and afternoon coffee/tea and lunches will be served in the 5th floor common room.
The morning sessions start at 9:15, the afternoons at 14:00.
Accommodation and Provisioning
Most speakers are accommodated in the Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten in Old Town Heidelberg. A convenient connection to Campus is bus #34 (headed to: Wieblingen Nord, leaving at 08, 28, and 48 minutes after the hour) Westward to Bismarckplatz (fourth stop after boarding at Alte Brücke), followed by bus #31 (headed to: Kopfklinik, every 10 minutes) to Bunsengymnasium (fifth stop), where the main entrance of the MATHEMATIKON is across the street.
Alternatively, you may walk across the Alte Brücke to take bus #37 (headed to: Sportzentrum Nord, leaving at 05, 25, and 45 minutes after the hour) directly to Technologiepark (fourth stop), and then walk back some 200m along Berliner Strasse to the main entrance of MATHEMATIKON. The pleasant full walk across either bridge, down the Neckar river, and up Berliner Strasse takes about 45 minutes.
Pension Berger in Neuenheim is a 15 minutes walk from MATHEMATIKON, or two stops with bus #31 (headed to: Kopfklinik , every 10 minutes).
Registration and Workshop Dinner
There is no registration fee, however we ask that all those interested in attending the talks send us an Email ahead of time, so we may have an idea of the number of prospective participants. (We reserve the right to raise a guard in the unlikely event of a general stampede.) In your message, please indicate whether or not you are interested in joining us for the workshop dinner on Thursday night. You will be asked for a €20 contribution for the dinner; further information to follow.
Area Map
Workshop Organizers